Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heat Waves


Has anybody been experiencing occasional hot flashes? I'm sure I've had at least two today walking outside. This long range of heat waves is really getting to me. This body is not meant for extreme weather conditions. Back to fashion related ramblings.. Sometimes I'm tired of trying to hide bra straps. I have to admit that fashion is in fact(for the most part) not effortless. We push ourselves through tons of unnecessary procedures to look good(I'm not saying it's bad to look good!), and sometimes, I get sick of it and say.. to hell with it! Stick-ons, tape, waxing, blahidy blah. We'll all look good without those additions anyways. Although I have to say we must keep onto one item--deodorant. These photos might not show it, but I was literally sweating a storm those ten minutes out there(perhaps longer). Whew!

Try not to melt or freeze(for those international readers) out there ;)


Cecilia =) said...

Cute dress! That necklace looks pretty awesome too! =)

Claudia said...

i love this outfit! i want a dress like that

valeriewfreeman said...

That is such a good color for you! I love these photos!

Vicky :) said...

you're so gorgeous! <3 and i LOVE LOVE LOVE that blue color on you!!!!!

She Bangz® said...

love that dress