Wearing h&m jacket, vintage men's olive button down, random black braided details at the waist, UO circle fringe scarf, refuge jeans, payless boots
Yes, it's the new year again! For me, anyways. Other then eating chinese new year food and having a huge feast consisting of crab, fish, shrimp cocktail, soup, and other delicious things, my weekend was on the down-low. Aw man, I'm feeling so freakishly full. I feel like I haven't been hungry for awhile. I better start exercising before I end up like a puffball or ball of squish.
I'm thinking I need to try out the color olive more. I love green.
A lovely blogger from www.ilsscion.onsugar.com gave me this great lemonade award for excellent gratitude and attitude! thank you so much! I wish I had time to tag some other bloggers, but again, thank you!
Sorry about the lack of posts again. I'm such a terrible blogger.